Author: Diyaa
Published date: August 3rd, 2024
Last updated: August 3rd, 2024
This article contains all of the WireGuard documentations I have made for myself. I use WireGuard heavily in my homelab network for Site to Site (S2S) and remote access VPNs.
Wireguard configuration generation:
Keys generation:
Generate client private, public keys and save them into files:
wg genkey | tee private-key-client | wg pubkey > public-key-client > /dev/null
Generate server and client key pairs:
SERV_PRIV_KEY=$(wg genkey); \
SERV_PUB_KEY=$(echo "${SERV_PRIV_KEY}" | wg pubkey); \
CLIENT_PRIV_KEY=$(wg genkey); \
CLIENT_PUB_KEY=$(echo "${CLIENT_PRIV_KEY}" | wg pubkey); \
PRESHARED_KEY=$(wg genpsk); \
echo "Server private key: ${SERV_PRIV_KEY}"; \
echo "Server public Key: ${SERV_PUB_KEY}"; \
echo "Client private key: ${CLIENT_PRIV_KEY}"; \
echo "Client public Key: ${CLIENT_PUB_KEY}"; \
echo "Preshared Key: ${PRESHARED_KEY}"
Generate client key pairs:
CLIENT_PRIV_KEY=$(wg genkey); \
CLIENT_PUB_KEY=$(echo "${CLIENT_PRIV_KEY}" | wg pubkey); \
PRESHARED_KEY=$(wg genpsk); \
echo "Client private key: ${CLIENT_PRIV_KEY}"; \
echo "Client public Key: ${CLIENT_PUB_KEY}"; \
echo "Preshared Key: ${PRESHARED_KEY}"
Generate private and public keys only:
CLIENT_PRIV_KEY=$(wg genkey); \
CLIENT_PUB_KEY=$(echo "${CLIENT_PRIV_KEY}" | wg pubkey); \
echo "Client private key: ${CLIENT_PRIV_KEY}"; \
echo "Client public Key: ${CLIENT_PUB_KEY}"
Generate server private, public keys and save them into files:
wg genkey | tee private-key-server | wg pubkey > public-key-server > /dev/null
Generate a preshared key and save to file:
wg genpsk | tee preshared-key > /dev/null
Generate a preshared key and output to terminal:
wg genpsk
Configuration examples:
Example of all possible configuration options:
# Name = node1.example.tld
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = localPrivateKeyAbcAbcAbc=
DNS =,
Table = 12345
MTU = 1500
PreUp = /bin/example arg1 arg2 %i
PostUp = /bin/example arg1 arg2 %i
PreDown = /bin/example arg1 arg2 %i
PostDown = /bin/example arg1 arg2 %i
# Name = node2-node.example.tld
AllowedIPs =
Endpoint = node1.example.tld:51820
PublicKey = remotePublicKeyAbcAbcAbc=
PresharedKey = presharedkeyabcabcabc=
PersistentKeepalive = 25
Server configuration example:
Address = xx
ListenPort = xx
PrivateKey = xx
PreUp = echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
PreUp = echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding
PreDown = echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
PreDown = echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding
PublicKey = xx
PresharedKey = xx
AllowedIPs = a.b.c.d/x,a.b.c.d/x
Client configuration example:
PrivateKey = xx
Address = xx
DNS = xx (optional)
PublicKey = server public key
PresharedKey = preshared key
Endpoint = <IP>:<Port>
AllowedIPs = what to push up the tunnel
Server config:
# Name = server
Address =
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = <private Key>
# Public key is not required in the config. I just like to have it here
# PublicKey = <Public Key>
MTU = 1420
# Table is optional, not required for most deployments
Table = 12345
PreUp = <run before tunnel come up>
PreDown = <run before bringing the tunnel down>
PostUp = <run after tunnel come up>
PostDown = <run after tunnel go down>
# Name = Client-01
# All traffic without forcing default route through wireguard
AllowedIPs =,, ::/1, 8000::/1
# specific allowed route
AllowedIPs =
PublicKey = <Public key of peer node>
# Don't include endpoint for dynamic endpoint
Endpoint = domain.com:51820
# Keep alive isn't recommended, but can be used for NAT traversal
PersistentKeepalive = 25
# Preshared key is not required, but can be used for enhanced security
PresharedKey = <preshared key>
Client config:
# Name = server
Address =
# Don't include ListenPort to allow the client to use a random port
ListenPort = 51820
PrivateKey = <private Key>
# Public key is not required in the config. I just like to have it here
# PublicKey = <Public Key>
MTU = 1420
# Table is optional, not required for most deployments
Table = 12345
PreUp = <run before tunnel come up>
PreDown = <run before bringing the tunnel down>
PostUp = <run after tunnel come up>
PostDown = <run after tunnel go down>
# Name = Client-01
AllowedIPs =
PublicKey = <Public key of peer node>
# Don't include endpoint for dynamic endpoint
Endpoint = domain.com:51820
# Keep alive isn't recommended, but can be used for NAT traversal
PersistentKeepalive = 25
# Preshared key is not required, but can be used for enhanced security
PresharedKey = <preshared key>
Wireguard troubleshooting:
DNS routing:
DNS can be setup with a server and a search domain as well:
DNS =, internal.example.com
# or this way
PostUp = resolvectl dns %i; resolvectl domain %i ~internal.example.com
Avoid DNS from DHCP:
nmcli modify 'Network name' ipv4.ignore-auto-dns yes
show WireGuard routing table and peer connections:
wg show
wg show wg0 allowed-ips
show system routing table:
ip route show table main
ip route show table local
show system route to specific address:
ip route get
install iperf:
sudo apt install -y iperf
check bandwidth over public internet to relay server
iperf -s # start iperf in server mode
iperf -c # connect from client to iperf server
Lookup DNS:
dig wireguard.com A
nslookup wireguard.com
Custom routing table:
Add specific routes with ip rule
and ip route
The following commands can be used to specify Wireguard routes with specific routing tables:
Doing this leads to the use of Policy Based Routing (PBR)
PreUp = ip rule add from lookup 200
PostUp = ip route add default dev wg0 table 200
Setup custom routing tables:
Table = 1234
Generate QR Code Config:
Install QR generator package:
sudo apt install -y qrencode
Generate QR picture of the configuration:
qrencode -r phone.conf -o client1.conf.png
Display QR image of the config on the CLI:
cat phone.conf | qrencode -t UTF8