About This Website:

This website is a way for me to share my documentation, knowledge, and notes out of Obsidian on the web through GitHub pages.

You might be wondering why the name of this website is diyaagrams.com? I like making network diagrams and some of my diagrams have been called “diyaagrams” a few times. This was a suggestion from some of my friends and mentors.

Website Layout:


Some of the folders are still empty as I haven’t published notes to them yet.

Desktop view:

The “Site Directory” section on the right side of the page is the best way to explore all the content of this website. You can also use the search bar on the left to perform a comprehensive search across the entire website.

Mobile view:

The “Site Directory” section at the bottom of the page is the best way to explore all the content of this website. You can also use the search bar at the top to perform a comprehensive search across the entire website.

Obsidian Offline Vault:

The screenshot above shows the notes in my offline Obsidian vault. My goal is to publish most of the content from the vault on this website.

About Me:

My name is Diyaa. I graduated from a network engineering post secondary program in 2023. I like to spend majority of my personal time making network infrastructure diagrams and technical documentation like the article you are reading right now. I am able to make large scale networks at home thanks to Proxmox virtual environment.